Letter in protest of Afghan Peace discussions sidelining women
Afghan women protest letter to US Special Representative for Afghanistan peace
Afghan women Network, Women Coalition for Peace “Our Voice, Our Future”
Serial number: 160
Date: March 4, 2021
Kabul – Afghanistan
Where are Afghan Women in peace decisions?
Yet again, during the official visit of the US Special Representative for Afghanistan, Mr. Zalmai
Khalilzad, to the country and based on his media reports and information, he met with
influential political figures, government officials and the leadership of the Afghan government
to discuss specific issues related to the Afghan peace process and make suggestions about the
future of Afghanistan. But again, unfortunately, civil society and women are sidelined, while
women previously criticized Khalilzad and repeatedly sharing their suggestions and positions
with him, demanding their commitment to safeguard meaningful participation of women in the
peace process. There has been little progress and even no progress has been made in
considering the representation of women during peace negotiations- their demands,
suggestions and decision have no say. Consultations with women in the provinces and their
involvement in the peace process are also taken as negligible, and women’s role from remote
provinces is also downplayed in this process.